Cracked Egg Easter Card

Decorating eggs is one of the oldest Easter traditions and it is fun way to get children ready for the Easter festive.

Teach Easter vocabulary first (egg, rabbit, chocolate egg hunt, basket, spring, flowers, egg tree, decorating eggs, bunny, hop, chick, rainbow, etc...). You can use flashcard, movements, songs or Easter themed books to make it more interesting for the children. One of our favourite book is Rabbits don't lay eggs! By Paula Metcalf and Cally Johnson-Isaacs. But children most likely enjoy any other spring or Easter themed books of your choice.

Talk about Easter traditions and ask kids how they celebrate at home. It is a great opportunity to do some speaking and writing activities with them, either in groups, or in pairs. Children can compare and write about the similarities and differences between the traditions in different houses. If they know some vocabulary, and the background of Easter, they are ready to decorate and make their Easter card that they take home later.

What you will need:

  • Easter flashcards pictures or photos to demonstrate Easter words
  • Coloured cardpaper mainly spring colours: pink, yellow, light blue, red, green, orange
  • Scissors
  • Cracked egg templates
  • Coloured pencils, crayons, felt-tip pens

How to do it:

1. Give out the coloured cards and the cracked egg templates to trace. Let children choose their favourite colour for the base of the card. Remember most girls want to choose pink or light blue card. Boys will usually go with red, blue or green. Have more of these colours and some orange or yellow in case some children go with those colours. 


2. After tracing children have to cut out their samples.

3. Inside the whole egg they are going to write their secret message that can be covered with the other half of the egg. They can also draw some spring related picture with flowers, ladybirds or butterflies inside. If you have very young kids they obviously can't write a proper message so put Happy Easter on the board for them to copy.


4. Decorate their samples with the typical Easter things like bunny, egg basket, flowers, etc... then colour them with vivid Easter colours.

Cracked-easter-egg-card-Miss-T-ESL-3.jpg Cracked-easter-egg-card-Miss-T-ESL-4.jpg

5. Finally adjust the cracked top half of the egg to the bottom and the card is ready to go.

Cracked-easter-egg-card-Miss-T-ESL-6.jpg Cracked-easter-egg-card-Miss-T-ESL-7.jpg

Happy Easter!

Last modified on Friday, 09 June 2017 08:56
Lili Thomson

Teaching since the beginning of time. Passionate gamer, traveller and collector of awesome shoes and matching bags. There are many ways to accomplish what I would like to have it done.

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