Chinese New Year Firework Picture

Chinese people believe that the fireworks drive away the evil spirits and bring good luck for the new year. 


Firework is a very important part of the Chinese New Year tradition. Celebrating the beginning of the Chinese New Year spectacular fireworks are launched at midnight. 

So why couldn't we make some pretty, colourful firework pictures even with the youngest children, teaching about this tradition and reinforcing colour vocabulary and spelling with them.

What you will need?

  • • Black construction paper
  • • Glue (not glue-stick)
  • • Pot to pour some glue in
  • • Paintbrush to put the glue on the paper
  • • Different colours of glitter
  • • Old newspaper to cover the tables with as you probably don't want everything to be covered in glitter for the next two weeks


How to do it:

After you told your students about the tradition and practiced relevant vocabulary it is time to take some action and let the children work.
They can choose to design their fireworks and draw it on the paper with pencil first or they can do it directly with the paintbrush and glue.

As soon as the lines of the firework painted with glue on the paper you can sprinkle the glitter on top. Use different colours to make it look like some real fireworks.

Let it dry for a day then shake the leftover glitter off the construction paper onto the old newspaper to avoid the mess.

Put the pictures up on the walls.

Happy Chinese New Year!

Last modified on Friday, 09 June 2017 09:04
Lili Thomson

Teaching since the beginning of time. Passionate gamer, traveller and collector of awesome shoes and matching bags. There are many ways to accomplish what I would like to have it done.

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