Hi and welcome to Miss T's ESL Activities!

It's a great pleasure to see you here sharing the same interest and passion about teaching as we do.

It doesn't matter where we have come from, what we have done before or what we will do later only one thing matters that we all share. Our love of this profession even if it's hard and unbearable sometimes. At the end of the school year when we look back upon the year that we have just finished fondly, smiling proudly, we feel it's worth every second to be a real teacher.


Unfortunately, the end of a school year only happens once a year and getting through the rest of it isn't always a joyride. It's mostly about planning and looking for new ways and resources to improve ourselves and the quality of our lessons. This is a time consuming task, sometimes with limited success and pointless responses from the outer world. The only anchor of hope is a long weekend off, a shopping spree or best of all a long shopping spree weekend somewhere far away.


Probably everyone remembers the first class or the panic when the carefully restructured lesson plan collapsed after the first five minutes without a plan B and the first proud moment. We have all been there done that and created this site. Nested in the piles of resources collected during the years and feeding upon our experience to contribute the community which forms the foundation of the future.

Last modified on Monday, 04 April 2016 20:49
Miss T.

Fictional character thought up by cultural differences. Formed for years by language barriers, manifested into digital form in 2013. Continuously expanding through experience, delivering operative knowledge right from the trenches.